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The Hittites

Map of Hittites Empire

The kingdom of the Hittites, also called Hatti, was based in Turkey and was a constant threat to the New Kingdom of Egypt. The kingdom had two prosperious periods, the Hittite Old Kingdom and New Kingdom. Little is known about the Old Kingdom but its first king was Hattsusili. Hattsusili had moved the Hittite capital from Nesa to Hattusa in about 1650 BCE. This period included many campaigns into Syria but by 1500 BCE, the Old Kingdom had ended. The New Kingdom, begun by Tudhaliya III, included the victories over the rulers of Aleppo and the Mitanni, an important Mesoptamian kingdom. The Hittites reached their height under Suppiluliuma I, who conquered Syria and was the king that threatened Egypt's control over Palestine. The Hittites continued their war with the Egyptians until they signed one of the oldest peace treaties ever recorded, the Egyptian-Hittite peace treaty, which ended the war between them. However, the Assyrian Empire and the other vassal states greatly threatened the Hittites at the end of the New Kingdom. The Kingdom only ended completely when unknown raiders brutally sacked Hatti, causing it to collapse.
