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The First Dynasty of ancient Egypt covers the time from the pharaohs Narmer to Qa'a. It immediately follows the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, possibly by Narmer, and marks the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period, a time at which power was centered at Thinis. The starting date and length of the dynasty is completly unknown, with estimates ranging from the 34th century BCE to the 30th century BCE.


  • Narmer
    • Length of reign unknown, but the likely unifier of Upper and Lower Egypt. He was likely the same person as Menes.
  • Hor-Aha
    • Long reign, was likely the son of Narmer, conflicting accounts also give him as the founder of the First Dynasty.
  • Djer
    • Son of Hor-Aha, reigned for about 40 years.
  • Djet
    • Son of Djer, reigned for about 10 years, was succeeded by his wife as a regent.
  • Merneith
    • Regent of Egypt until Den was old enough to take the throne.
  • Den
    • First pharaoh depicted wearing the double crown of Egypt.
  • Anedjib
    • A likely son of Den, reigned for about 10 years.
  • Semerkhet
    • Formerly believed to be a usurper but legitimate and possible son of Den. Succeeded by Qa'a.
  • Qa'a
    • Last pharaoh of the First Dynasty, however his reign was long and prosperous.

Human Sacrifice[]

Human sacrifice was practiced as part of the funerary rituals associated with all of the pharaohs of the first dynasty. It is clearly demonstrated as existing during this dynasty by retainers being buried near each pharaoh's tomb as well as animals sacrificed for the burial. The tomb of Djer is associated with the burials of 338 individuals.
